Current Schedule

During my summer of housewifery, I have a new appreciation for maintaining a schedule. Since my plate is currently void of a 9 to 5, per se, I’ve developed a rudimentary, child-like schedule to keep my time and mind focused. My opening Art Reception on October 3rd is a priority. So, ample studio time is necessary. However, I didn’t want my studio time to feel like a drawn-out fire drill. In this season of life, time needs to be condensed, focused, and quick. I’m making, creating, and moving on.

Often, I’ll drag out projects and ideas for hours upon hours and months upon months. I’ll lose sight of the initial spark and the project will become more of a burden than an engaging creative experience.

Not now.

I no longer want to ruminate over decisions and perfection. The years and miles under my feet have gotten me to a place where I can say - that’s good enough and I like it. When I practice a cadence of good enough in a repeatable format, the art inherently improves. I improve. I maintain an energy of excitement more often than a state of comparison or not-enoughness. This repeated cadence helps me develop confidence in myself and the pieces I’m creating.

Centering myself early in the morning with meditation and movement is critical. My day is more productive and enjoyable with those practices at the helm. I focus on my skincare in the a.m. with gua sha or a face mask. And, a gentle nudge to shower at night because it feels amazing and cozy to crawl into bed. Thank you, Maddie, for the reminder : ) xo

This summer I’ve deliberately low-key disappeared. We’ve worked through unexpected hiccups in our IVF process. Many appointments, ultrasounds, bloodwork, and countless phone calls with our clinic, docs, and my favorite, insurance. It’s a job in itself. There was not much more I could take on and maintain a functioning, human composure. Even at that, I broke a few times.

Life struggles are abundant for us all. Whatever your challenges and circumstances are, try to center yourself with some consistency. Even if it means rewriting your story, upsetting people in the process, and acting out of your usual accommodating character. Take care of your time, first. Everything and everyone will be okay.

With love,


p.s. This video is about Prince’s creative process. It inspired me to make deliberate choices on how I spend creative time.

available on YouTube


Officially, scited


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