Mustard Seed Cafe
to Jan 10

Mustard Seed Cafe

A rotation of abstract pieces will be on view for the holiday season at Mustard Seed Cafe in Highland Square (Akron, Oh). Large to midsize pieces can be experienced in this modern and urban cafe setting. Pieces will be available for purchase on-site or through Shipping + delivery will be available.

Please enjoy this multi-artist, curated selection through the Holiday season! We highly recommend the truffle fries.

Art curated by Jessica Loftus.

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Returning Home: Art Opening

Returning Home: Art Opening


This art opening introduces my inaugural cohesive collection and embodies the essence of coming home. For me, the process of evolution has been one of addition by subtraction. As we all do, I’ve experienced personal struggles in the last year that have taught me a new level of acceptance. During this time, I've evolved my focus and self-standards in a way that brings me peace and courage. My creative pursuits are fostering a connection with the artist who emerged at a young age and nurturing a relationship with her once again—childlike, arduous, and connected to her authentic story and space.

20 pieces will be on view

During your visit, you'll receive a complimentary, interactive art portrait with Christiana Cacciato, owner of The Green Photograph.

Open to the public: light bites, wine, and creative connection

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Event location: 935 W Market St, Akron, OH 44313

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